March 20, 2020
As we get into this more, it will be important to dig beyond the headlines and stories. It is, however, difficult and time-consuming to get to, digest, and operationalize data. Also, it is always harder to do nothing especially when faced with option to do something "that might not hurt." But, I have found, being patient and focused is critical. Keep in mind that "doing something that may not hurt" will often distract and use resources that could be focused elsewhere. Read on, if this feels too vague...
Understanding the nuance of masks...
So here is Boston Globe opinion piece stating that everyone should wear masks.
In general, the medical community has not recommended this because it is a far more nuanced issue - see WHO advice on masks -
- the most important quote is "Wearing medical masks when not indicated may cause unnecessary cost, procurement burden and create a false sense of security that can lead to neglecting other essential measures such as hand hygiene practices." Other articles site increased facial touching for typical people wearing masks. In other words, masks probably don't increase protection and they may hurt when not used properly.
Bottom line: not touching your face, washing your hands, and social distancing are as (if not more) important and will not tax the resources of the healthcare system. I suspect the Boston Globe authors are well intentioned but are not accounting for typical human behaviors.
Lots of discussion/articles about medications I found in the last 24 hours...
The NY Times has a really practical Q&A section on Coronavirus
It sometimes feels like I am living in an alternate timeline of reality - "LA's cannabis dispensaries deemed 'essential' under emergency coronavirus order" - sorry for a NY Post Article, but this headline reminds me how much the world has changed in my 44 years...
Tips on hiking and outdoor activities (albeit from Vermont - your local guidance/rules may differ)
Bonus Round
Adam's list of interesting people day 3 - Maryland edition.
H.L. Mencken - a complex person, who held many opinions that are out of touch with today's beliefs, but was a damn fine writer. A great example of nuance - not an open minded person, but wrote and said a lot of notable things.
A. Aubrey Bodine - a photographer for the Baltimore Sun who captured mid-20th century Maryland in ways that are sublime without pretension. And he was a master of dodging and burning while developing his images (think analog photoshop!)
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