What Adam is Reading 3-22-20

March 22, 2020

Sunday musings edition

With the weekend comes a bit of time to wander in my mind a bit. As Saturday was a bit calmer, I was reflecting on the contrast between the endless details of personal stories I have been hearing and reading about and the larger trends of data being presented. It can be overwhelming to absorb and process either, but I feel compelled to pay attention to the small picture. I guess I find comfort in details, a sense of reconciliation that comes with understanding the minutia. It is clearly my favorite part of being in healthcare (they have to tell me their story when I ask, I am the doctor!).

So, today I offer some articles that focus on the details.

Somehow, someone got an interview with Anthony Fauci this week.

One more from the Atlantic, with a lot of specifics on the origins and actions of the COVID-19

I learned a new word today.

Learn photoshop in your time at home
while you're documenting your time at home

Focusing on details and work to keep focused in a time of crisis

Quick pivots from the economy of hyper-personalization https://twitter.com/strangeharbors/status/1241057919128526856
Who is from this family...

And lastly, a fascinating display of ideas reflected in the questions about treatments and theories and conspiracies we have discussed on our calls over the last week, all rolled into one Twitter thread. It is a physician battling COVID and the mass of people responding to his Tweets. Keep your critical thinking skills up on this one - it is a wild ride of ideas being thrown around...

Bonus Round: Details on less-known historical figures who helped others reach greatness...

Vercingetorix was the last great Celtic tribal leader in Gaul (now France). His defeat was a big stepping stone for Julius Caesar back in the 50's (B.C.). I highly recommend Dan Carlin's podcast on the Roman destruction of the Celts - it is fascinating deep dive on the more things change, the more they stay the same...

Both Louis Howe and Harry Hopkins are worth getting to know. Both had vision and conviction, helping Franklin Roosevelt (and Eleanor) make the world a bit more organized during turbulent times. I think Hopkins is the more compelling of the two though.
A nice overview of Hopkins
A book on Hopkins that has been on my to-read list for a while https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/13690324-the-hopkins-touch
