What Adam is Reading - 3-28-20

March 28, 2020

Saturday. 100% Certain. I hope.

I am back to the concept of truth today. I recently re-visited the Allegory of the Cave ( thanks to mental wanderings starting with my son's ninth grade civics classwork) and once again found myself focused on how we know what we know. Epistemology is not just a great word to say (go ahead, say it out loud) but an important concept as we live in a reality through screens and limitless streams of electrons. Here is my attempt at a Coronavirus truth and lies Saturday edition...

Latest data from FT. Hoping to see some rightward turning around day 25.

Wired on Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories

Wired on the origins of the bad rumors on ibuprofen

Who doesn't love Canadians? The fact that a number of their academic institutions have put together a whole website on COVID-19 misinformation only grows that love...

Saying you don't know sometimes means your very smart
The Dunning-Kruger effect (which describes the bias behind the fallacy of ipsy dixit from yesterday)
Important when it comes to Coronavirus

Last point on this one - https://thedecisionlab.com/ (link in the first article above) is a consulting think tank on behavioral science. I just discovered their website which seems to have a number of articles on behavioral science, behavioral economics, and cognitive biases! (https://thedecisionlab.com/biases/). (Interest piqued - someone tell me if I am inadvertently fronting for a creepy analytics firm...)

2 trillion feels like a very big number. For better or worse, my first thought was, "I hope we can charge it and get the points..."

Follow up on cell phone tracking:
Look at this company https://twitter.com/TectonixGEO
And this post https://twitter.com/TectonixGEO/status/1242628347034767361

And finally, the most entertaining post from a trending hashtag this morning taught me the metaphor "the herpes of craft supplies." I am still laughing.

Bonus Round - People you may not know about, but who fought for the truth edition

Witold Pilecki was a polish resistance agent in WWII who went into Auschwitz deliberately to escape and report back to the world on what he saw. One of the many bright lights in a very dark time.
His entire report, in English, on the web http://witoldsreport.blogspot.com/2008/05/volunteer-for-auschwitz-report-by.html
A biography that is worth the read https://www.amazon.com/Auschwitz-Volunteer-Beyond-Bravery/dp/1480569208

Emile Zola was a French writer and journalist who played a major role in exposing the injustice of the Dreyfuss Affair. He we very influential in the political liberalization of late 19th century France through his subjective literary style which pre-supposed later work of people like Truman Capote and Hunter S Thompson. And, I believe, it is worth noting he was a prolific photographer, mastering a photojournalistic style with the equipment of the day (no easy feat). He always reminded me of a more intellectually well-rounded version of Upton Sinclair...

About https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89mile_Zola
His photography http://photographyhistory.blogspot.com/2012/03/amateur-art-photographs-of-emile-zola.html
And, sure enough, google yielded gold on my uber-nerdy thought of a comparison between Zola and Sinclair

Keep clean hands and sharp minds.

