July 1, 2020
(Is it allowed to be July? How did this happen?)
My perception of the compression of time - i.e., time is moving faster - is something about which I have written about, and I am perpetually amazed. July seems to have come out of nowhere. And yet, there are moments when I wish to have the fast forward button for this year. Someone this week told me to "enjoy more now." This comment was wiser than I initially realized.
Latest Data
FT data is, IMHO, the best visualization - the second graph down now has state-level data - I suggest setting it to cases, per million, linear, and add your state to the highlighted list.
The NY Times has hotspot map is an excellent quick glace of rolling 2-week case change: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-us-cases.html
State Details:
Rt data: https://rt.live/
Each of the above sites reports its source data. Please review sources like https://covidtracking.com/ to understand the quality of that data.
Small steps in data transparency for Florida. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article243899367.html
Perhaps the economic argument for mask-wearing will resonate with those who feel that offering a modicum of protection to their fellow citizens is an impingement on their rights.
Speaking of those disproportionately focused on their rights, I offer the tale of Tim Walters, the co-founder of "Re-Open Maryland." He now has the right to be ill with COVID with underlying diseases like hypertension and diabetes. Tim's tale is a sad irony. I sincerely hope he did not infect others (who he will not be allowing the track and trace system to notify - because - you know- "rights and privacy and stuff"): https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/md-politics/reopen-maryland-coronavirus-walters/2020/06/26/677caa02-b7b7-11ea-a510-55bf26485c93_story.html
Some explanation from the world of psychology regarding the tendency to assume if the government mandates something it is a conspiracy. Otherwise, the same ideas might be OK.
Here are some interesting, non-peer-reviewed data from Italy. In this report, there was NO correlation between the viral load (how much coronavirus was measurable) and the degree of symptoms. This MAY be important. The implications are that asymptomatic patients (i.e. never had symptoms) can be as potent a vector for coronavirus spread. Hence, we should be wearing masks.
Some preliminary data from one of the "Warp Speed" program DNA vaccines is reassuring. But read on with care! 1) It is a company press release 2); it reports no adverse events and measurable antibody response in humans; 3) and efficacy against coronavirus in mice.
I have seen very few articles about the identified spread of coronavirus cases linked to protests. Even this one article attempting to connect spread to the protests misleading, the COVID+ person reports, "I actually got sick the day after the march," which would imply she was infected well before the protest. Symptoms take 5-14 days to emerge. https://www.fox26houston.com/news/houston-protesters-starting-to-test-positive-for-covid-19
This article is a far more typical of what I have been seeing: https://www.inquirer.com/health/coronavirus/coronavirus-no-spike-cities-despite-protests-big-surge-in-states-that-reopened-20200627.html
Infographic of the day #1 - Life Lessons from Plants
Infographic of the day #2 & #3 - Back to critical thinking:
Rhetological Fallacies (The author made up the word Rhetological, but I like it!)
Signs of gaslighting
Bonus Round: Pride Month
After our Physician Experience Town Hall yesterday, I was struck by how little I know about the history of the LGBT rights movement. Unsurprisingly, the history of LGBT rights is a fight against the typical tropes of bigotry, ignorance, and fear:
Homosexuality is biblically forbidden.
Homosexuality is a form of mental illness, and therefore, any non-heterosexual person can be discriminated against in all sorts of ways.
Homosexuality inherently makes one depraved, sick, and/or a danger to others.
Detect any themes? Pseudoscience, authority from a higher power, biological inferiority - the justifications closely parallel those used against indigenous populations, women, Jews, African Americans, and almost any other group denied some freedom or right. At least, I guess, the mental gymnastics of hate are consistent.
I am not an expert on LGBT rights, but here are some starting points I found useful.:
Background: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/stonewall-milestones-american-gay-rights-movement/
Some further reading of notable folks facing parallel problems to other rights movements:
Harry Hay - an early founder of LGBT rights in the US, had difficulty keeping his groups focused on his nuances of ideas and action, found himself ahead/separated from others in the community at points in his life.
Evelyn Hooker - an American psychologist who ran definitive studies demonstrating that homosexuality was not a mental illness. In 1954.
It only took another 15 years to remove homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Clean hands and sharp minds,
(Is it allowed to be July? How did this happen?)
My perception of the compression of time - i.e., time is moving faster - is something about which I have written about, and I am perpetually amazed. July seems to have come out of nowhere. And yet, there are moments when I wish to have the fast forward button for this year. Someone this week told me to "enjoy more now." This comment was wiser than I initially realized.
Latest Data
FT data is, IMHO, the best visualization - the second graph down now has state-level data - I suggest setting it to cases, per million, linear, and add your state to the highlighted list.
The NY Times has hotspot map is an excellent quick glace of rolling 2-week case change: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-us-cases.html
State Details:
Rt data: https://rt.live/
Each of the above sites reports its source data. Please review sources like https://covidtracking.com/ to understand the quality of that data.
Small steps in data transparency for Florida. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article243899367.html
Perhaps the economic argument for mask-wearing will resonate with those who feel that offering a modicum of protection to their fellow citizens is an impingement on their rights.
Speaking of those disproportionately focused on their rights, I offer the tale of Tim Walters, the co-founder of "Re-Open Maryland." He now has the right to be ill with COVID with underlying diseases like hypertension and diabetes. Tim's tale is a sad irony. I sincerely hope he did not infect others (who he will not be allowing the track and trace system to notify - because - you know- "rights and privacy and stuff"): https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/md-politics/reopen-maryland-coronavirus-walters/2020/06/26/677caa02-b7b7-11ea-a510-55bf26485c93_story.html
Some explanation from the world of psychology regarding the tendency to assume if the government mandates something it is a conspiracy. Otherwise, the same ideas might be OK.
Here are some interesting, non-peer-reviewed data from Italy. In this report, there was NO correlation between the viral load (how much coronavirus was measurable) and the degree of symptoms. This MAY be important. The implications are that asymptomatic patients (i.e. never had symptoms) can be as potent a vector for coronavirus spread. Hence, we should be wearing masks.
Some preliminary data from one of the "Warp Speed" program DNA vaccines is reassuring. But read on with care! 1) It is a company press release 2); it reports no adverse events and measurable antibody response in humans; 3) and efficacy against coronavirus in mice.
I have seen very few articles about the identified spread of coronavirus cases linked to protests. Even this one article attempting to connect spread to the protests misleading, the COVID+ person reports, "I actually got sick the day after the march," which would imply she was infected well before the protest. Symptoms take 5-14 days to emerge. https://www.fox26houston.com/news/houston-protesters-starting-to-test-positive-for-covid-19
This article is a far more typical of what I have been seeing: https://www.inquirer.com/health/coronavirus/coronavirus-no-spike-cities-despite-protests-big-surge-in-states-that-reopened-20200627.html
Infographic of the day #1 - Life Lessons from Plants
Infographic of the day #2 & #3 - Back to critical thinking:
Rhetological Fallacies (The author made up the word Rhetological, but I like it!)
Signs of gaslighting
Bonus Round: Pride Month
After our Physician Experience Town Hall yesterday, I was struck by how little I know about the history of the LGBT rights movement. Unsurprisingly, the history of LGBT rights is a fight against the typical tropes of bigotry, ignorance, and fear:
Homosexuality is biblically forbidden.
Homosexuality is a form of mental illness, and therefore, any non-heterosexual person can be discriminated against in all sorts of ways.
Homosexuality inherently makes one depraved, sick, and/or a danger to others.
Detect any themes? Pseudoscience, authority from a higher power, biological inferiority - the justifications closely parallel those used against indigenous populations, women, Jews, African Americans, and almost any other group denied some freedom or right. At least, I guess, the mental gymnastics of hate are consistent.
I am not an expert on LGBT rights, but here are some starting points I found useful.:
Background: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/stonewall-milestones-american-gay-rights-movement/
Some further reading of notable folks facing parallel problems to other rights movements:
Harry Hay - an early founder of LGBT rights in the US, had difficulty keeping his groups focused on his nuances of ideas and action, found himself ahead/separated from others in the community at points in his life.
Evelyn Hooker - an American psychologist who ran definitive studies demonstrating that homosexuality was not a mental illness. In 1954.
It only took another 15 years to remove homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Clean hands and sharp minds,
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