What Adam is Reading 8-5-2020

August 5, 2020

Despite my near-religious devotion to Saturday morning cartoons during the early 1980's I have failed to live up to the spirit of Schoolhouse Rock. Specifically, I have violated the admonitions of "Don't drown your food." by offering, on some days, an overwhelming amount of data to read. In all seriousness, I think it worth exploring a more streamlined version of this morning email. Trial #1 is below, subtle but condensed. Let me know if you have strong opinions.

See the School House Rocks video: http://saturdaymorningarchives.blogspot.com/2011/10/saturday-school-dont-drown-your-food.html)

Latest Data


declining cases per million in the US, but still around 60,000 new cases per day (7-day avg).
fewer deaths per million in the US on August 2, but no multi-day trend
Also, look at https://covidtracking.com/data

The US Regionally:
There are fewer new cases and, in some states, falling rates of death per million, per FT data.
The NYT has the best state-level data visualizations

About the data:
https://covidtracking.com/about-data/visualization-guide is the best resource to understand data visualization and data integrity.
More opinion pieces than data floating around the interwebs today.

Here is a thoughtful opinion piece on the need to consider ventilation and air circulation to prepare for school reopening. The author is an epidemiologist, a mother, and a medical school student. I think her point about the lack of compelling CDC guidance on this issue is fair. Her roundup of what data exists is helpful. I am deeply concerned about the implications of this line of thinking. There are a lot of expenses and limited data on how to best improve building ventilation.
Here is the May 6 blog she references as the basis of some of her thoughts:
It is worthy of a cup of coffee and a full read.

Here is a roundup of information from a recent Dr. Fauci interview on a JAMA Network podcast. He has a talent for focusing on the key messages.

Carl Bergstrom's media tour is not over yet. I am sorry to inundate you with his writing, but critical thinking is a strategic resource in short supply. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/hydroxychloroquine-covid-19-prevention-how-separate-science-partisanship-ncna1235834

One of the many surprises of the pandemic has been former CMS administrator Andy Slavitt, who turns out to be frank, political and very funny. I never thought I would describe a CMS administrator (albeit the former administrator) as entertaining, but, you know, 2020. It appears his podcast has inspired him to become increasingly vocal.
most recent: https://twitter.com/ASlavitt/status/1290779020557197314
most entertaining thread of his I have read: https://twitter.com/ASlavitt/status/1288622194004819969

Infographic of the day: Container Gardening.
Immediately violating the spirit of streamlining, here is an infographic so large it needs an infographic.

Bonus Round: Schoolhouse Rock

My opening has created an outbreak of earworms humming Conjunction Junction and other songs from my childhood. Down the rabbit hole, I go.

Meet Bob Dorough, the deceased composer of those songs:
He was a trained Jazz musician as well:

I offer background info for those who chose not to be born in the 1970s or who grew up outside the US: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/SchoolhouseRock

AND, Schoolhouse Rock is a musical. Youtube offers numerous performances from schools and community theaters.

All of this makes me think someone should compile a list of things we learned from Schoolhouse Rock. Nevermind. Done.

Clean hands and sharp minds,

