What Adam is Reading 9-21-20

September 21, 2020 Monday

Between the passing of RBG, the Jewish holidays, the release of new rules from CMS on dialysis payment models, and the parade of people seeing our for-sale house, it felt like the Pandemic was not the foremost concern these last few days. But all of these things are related. I see the Pandemic, politics, the protection of everyone's rights, kidney care, economic fluctuations, and the value of reflection and atonement (the Jewish holidays) as all connected.

----Latest Data---
While last week saw new cases and deaths trending downward, case rates started rising in Europe and the U.S. toward the end of last week. You can anticipate death rates rising in 14-21 days. In the U.S., it appears hotspots are in the Midwest.


Also, look at https://covidtracking.com/data

The U.S. Regionally:
The NY Times state-level data visualization:

About the data:
https://covidtracking.com/about-data/visualization-guide is the best resource to understand data visualization and data integrity.

There were several weekend discussions of note on Twitter.

Dr. Rivers from Johns Hopkins noted rising case rates from early last week. Comments indicate that the return to school and college are the likely drivers of these increases.

Data on airplane transmission continues to be scarce. I found a few discussions on the CDC article describing cases transmitted on a long-haul flight.
comment and commentary:
The Washington Post had a scary follow-up article describing the lack of adequate contact tracing and limited data:

The CDC seems to now feel differently about coronavirus testing in those exposed to a COVID+ person. This guidance includes the fact that there is some airborne transmission of coronavirus.

I found an article on 50 Health Experts worthy of trust during the Pandemic. I have discovered many of these by accident and often share their words and wisdom.

Moreover, I highly recommend the entire Medium Elemental series on COVID last week, "Six Months In."

Infographics of the day: Calling Bullshit in near Realtime
Carl Bergstrom offered a critique of misleading data visualizations late last week. It is an extension of his book and is an excellent example of a critical analysis of data presentation.

---------Bonus Round - Earth and Venus

Over the weekend, I found a tweet reflecting that people and their dogs look similar.
In this instance, David Attenborough dresses like various animals. Or, perhaps, this is animals that look like David Attenborough dresses?

In turn, I found this very sobering article on how the 94-year-old Attenborough is more starkly focusing on climate change and the loss of biodiversity.

Of course, there is newly published evidence of bio-something on Venus. Maybe there are Venusian penguins expelling phosphene? Moreover, I now know the difference between Venetian, Venutian, and Venusian. One is from Italy, one doesn't exist, and the last one is from Venus. Good to get these adjectives straight before we identify the source(s) of the phosphene. We would not want to insult our phosphene-excreting neighbors one planet over.

Clean hands and sharp minds,

