What Adam is Reading - 9-8-2020

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

It felt like the holiday weekend brought a bit more thoughtful analysis to the pandemic news and social media cycle, at least on social media. To be sure, I am biased as I attempted to limit my news intake. But, like a behaviorally-sensitized rat, I found myself drinking from Twitter and interweb juice - it is impressive how addictive it is. And, the duplexity is striking; I am concerned about how exhausting it is to keep up and too concerned not to pay attention.

Latest Data


There is a continued slow decline in new cases in the U.S. https://ig.ft.com/coronavirus-chart/?areas=usa&areas=gbr&areasRegional=usny&areasRegional=usca&areasRegional=usfl&areasRegional=ustx&areasRegional=usco&cumulative=0&logScale=0&perMillion=1&values=cases
Also, look at https://covidtracking.com/data

The U.S. Regionally:
The NY Times state-level data visualization:

About the data:
https://covidtracking.com/about-data/visualization-guide is the best resource to understand data visualization and data integrity.
Andy Slavitt had an excellent summary Twitter thread on the collective wisdom gleaned from his podcast.

I found an article and discussion on how difficult it is to self-isolate. Both in the setting of symptoms or exposure to someone with high suspicion for COVID, self-isolation had a high failure rate. It emphasizes why social support for those isolating is so critical.
Discussion: https://twitter.com/ProfJohnDrury/status/1302168341788987392

On our Q&A calls, a few folks have expressed skepticism regarding the value of protective measures for the young and healthy. The Atlantic addresses this topic in a 9/7/2020 article - "What Young, Healthy People Have to Fear From COVID-19." Here is the takeaway - mortality is lower in the young, but long-term symptoms and organ damage are likely, and spread is spread - older and unhealthy people are infected when young people get sick.

Lastly, here is an intriguing data set- controlling COVID and damage to an economy are not inherently related. It is a complex set of variables, but the data do not demonstrate a clear association between a country's lock-down austerity and the magnitude of GDP impact.
Analysis: https://twitter.com/CT_Bergstrom/status/1302483306823393280

Infographic of the day: Morbid and Jolly?
I would have enjoyed sitting in the meeting where Creative Safety Supply described their goals for the project infographic "Top Ten OSHA Violations of 2019" to the artist they hired. Based on the end product, I imagine ideas like - "think mutilation with whimsy" or "I want more surprise than terror at the impending disability due to workplace safety violations" were uttered. I have never had the words "OSHA" and "entertaining" occupying my head at the same time.

Bonus Round ---- Eye bleach, soul cleansing, and a sense of inadequacy (from realizing that we did not accomplish this much at a young age).---

I have been on a recent kick, thanks to a loyal reader, of finding super-talented young musicians on social media. I think it is time to share some of my discoveries and the word busking, which I only recently learned.

It started with said loyal reader introducing me to Emilese Munoz, a 14-year-old musician from Colorado whose voice sounds like she inhabits the body of a 40-year-old. Listen to her Patsy Cline cover.

I then found Allie Sherlock, a 15-year-old Irish singer also with a phenomenal voice. She focuses more on modern music and seems to be a bit more stage-managed, given her social media posting volume, but her skill is there. And, based on her apparent frequency of public performing in Dublin, she will get her 10,000 hours of practice (a la Malcolm Gladwell) shortly. Check out the Billie Jean cover.

Last night, I found Nandi Bushell, a 10-year-old musician from the U.K. She has attracted a lot of attention, and, most recently, she and Dave Grohl recorded a YouTube-based drum challenge. Her skill and enthusiasm are remarkable. It is hard to fathom that she is 10.
Billboard Article: https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/rock/9443762/nandi-bushell-5-best-drum-covers
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbMg1QLaHBzmww35QK-mHEQ

Clean hands and sharp minds, team

