What Adam is Reading - 11-11-2020

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

I am not sensing the urgency in others that I feel about the uptick in COVID cases. I suspect COVID fatigue, the hope of a vaccine sooner than later, and the insidious and exhausting politicization of the pandemic are snowballing. It is lonely worrying about something that Twitter amplifies, and others seem not to take seriously. I have received the feedback that my most recent coping mechanism is attempting to control my environment. I have found myself on a near-religious campaign to change all the light bulbs in our new house to LEDs and ensure we have smart controllers for the absurd array of landscape lighting our new house's former owners "gifted" us. Last night I was banned, by a unanimous vote of my wife and kids, from talking about my Landscape Lighting Crusade. I know oppression when I see it. More 2020.

-----Latest Data---
There are now 110,000 new cases per day in the US (7-day rolling average).
There are now 1000 people dying per day in the US (7-day rolling average).


Also, look at https://covidtracking.com/data

The US Regionally - NY. Times:

About the data:
https://covidtracking.com/about-data/visualization-guide is the best resource to understand data visualization and data integrity.

Hospital beds, staffing, and resources are constrained or not available in many parts of the country. Here is a smattering of things to note at the state level:

North Dakota is allowing asymptomatic COVID+ hospital staff to continue to work.

Maryland is restricting indoor gathering, preparing new surge capacity orders, and returning to mandatory telework for state employees.

Utah orders state-wide mask mandate driven by "data" rather than election results. Seriously. Someone asked Utah's governor if the mask mandate was due to the election.

The Kaiser Family Foundation has a very detailed state-level tableau data set reviewing policies, payment, COVID data, mandates, and capacity data for each state. https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/state-data-and-policy-actions-to-address-coronavirus/

Keeping with my ongoing theme of "isolating and mask-wearing is better than getting COVID" series of articles, here is another article about some ASSOCIATED illnesses in COVID+ patients. The peer-reviewed study is a retrospective cohort study of 62,000 patients from the US - linking various mental illnesses temporally with the diagnosis of COVID-19. https://thehill.com/news-by-subject/healthcare/525298-study-finds-1-in-5-covid-19-patients-develop-mental-illness-within
Here is the actual article: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpsy/article/PIIS2215-0366(20)30462-4/fulltext
Context: people with mental health issues are more likely to get sick; people who get sick with COVID may end up with long-term illnesses.

The CDC published a helpful overview of Types of Respiratory Protection.
https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/elastomeric-respirators-strategy/respiratory-protection.html as part of an article from October

Infographic of the Day: helpful not helpful
A flowchart of cooking mac and cheese. Not sure this improves things:
From a book on flowchart cooking: http://samimatilainen.com/
This type of cookbook is novel, but I am not sure which audience prefers this instruction style.

UPDATE! Sami, the author, is a software developer and had this funded via Kickstarter. Apparently software developers prefer cooking by flowchart. Questions asked and answered!

---Bonus Round - Bob Ross Fandom

Somehow, in 9+ months of writing this email, I have not mentioned Bob Ross. I love Bob Ross. He had a compelling personal story, a soothing voice, and fantastic skills. My older son and I can watch transfixed - I think Ross offers the intellectual and artistic equivalent of frozen yogurt sprinkled with philosophic candy toppings. My younger son and I have a Bob Ross Lego Minifigure with us for inclusion in picturesque scenery on trips. This morning, I learned about the Bob Ross museum - "The Bob Ross Experience" - in Muncie, Indiana. Now, if only I could travel.


Become a Bob Ross certified painter. (One of my retirement goals, to be sure). https://experience.bobross.com/cri-classes/

The best of my son's Bob Ross Lego photos: Bob on the Beach outside Charleston, SC (2018) (yes, this real - no photoshop)

Bob Ross on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BobRossInc

Clean hands and sharp minds, team

