What Adam is Reading 11-18-2020

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

In yesterday's email, I spelled Delaware "Deleware." On the upside, three people were sharp enough to point out my mistake. On the downside, that was the only feedback I received. Moreover, not one of the many spellcheckers seemed to catch this error. One could find several takeaways - including profound tropes on the folly of over-reliance on technology. But sometimes, I think the most important lesson is I should just learn how to spell Delaware.

-----Latest Data---
You might want to skip this part today. Below, there is a link to some lovely and relaxing ambient music that is far more palatable.


Also, look at https://covidtracking.com/data

The US Regionally - NY. Times:

About the data:
https://covidtracking.com/about-data/visualization-guide is the best resource to understand data visualization and data integrity.

Lots of great questions on Q&A last night, including a sobering discussion about why minimizing holiday exposure to family and friends can be such a difficult problem, spanning social, medical, and political boundaries. It is going to be a tough few weeks for many of us.

Here is some follow up:

Cambridge University's Public Health Genomics Foundation has a very clear consumer 1-pager on RNA vaccines:

Don't forget the outstanding NY Times vaccine tracker: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/science/coronavirus-vaccine-tracker.html

Here is a pre-release (non-peer-reviewed) article on the difference between one dose and two doses of the Janssen COVID vaccine in non-human primates. In this instance, the second shot 4-8 weeks after the first stimulates a much more robust immune response.

One more article on vaccines. NBC discusses the differences between the two vaccines, such as the differing refrigeration needs.

The CDC offered a guide to gatherings and celebrations. It gives an excellent overview of the variables to consider - # of people, space, time, masks, etc.

Here is a local TV news station covering a Mayo Hospital partnership using voice to screen for coronavirus infections (and other diseases). Like COVID-sniffing dogs and biometric wearables, this non-invasive testing is slick but unclear how sensitive and specific it is.

Infographic of the day: The Comparative Functional Anatomy of Cephalopods
How many times each week do I embarrass myself by getting confused between Sepiidae and Teuthidae. I have induced one-too-many moments of awkward stares and angrily crossed tentacles. Here is my trick - look at the suckers - the serrated ring suckers on the Teuthida are like Teeth - T for Teuthidae. See, no more uncomfortable moments at parties with squid. And, I don't think you have social distance from cephalopods.
FYI - I could not find a source for this image, so read Reddit at your own risk!

---Bonus Round Brian Eno and Creativity

Amongst the random things floating around my head is a low-grade fandom of Brian Eno's work. He is known for ambient music, music production (Peter Gabriel, U2, Talking Heads), art, and armchair philosophy.

I found an article about YouTube videos of abstracted time-lapsed videos set to his ambient music album, Thursday Afternoon.

You can read more about Brian Eno's creative process, which I have found useful at times. https://99u.adobe.com/articles/7034/developing-your-creative-practice-tips-from-brian-eno
One can use some of the creative stimulation techniques through his Oblique Strategies card deck.

I once gave the Oblique Strategies card deck as a gift to a person I worked for who:
1) expressed confusion as to why anyone would want such a thing;
2) did not seem to understand why I gave it to him; and
3) never wrote a thank you note.
Very telling. I should have read those signals more clearly.

Clean hands and sharp minds,

