What Adam is Reading 12-1-20

December 1,  2020 - Tuesday

I woke up today thinking about fesenjan, the Persian stew. There is a small, family-run Persian restaurant we most commonly go to on New Year's Eve. Their fesenjan and basmati are magical. It is odd that out of all of the disrupted traditions and upheaval this year, I find myself pining for items from a fixed-price New Years' menu. We will have to debate if carry out will corrupt that tradition. This year, perhaps a plethora of frozen hors d'oeuvres from Costco will capture the holiday season better. It certainly feels more like a time of pigs in a blanket.

-----Latest Data---
The trends of both absolute values and 7-day rolling averages of testing and new cases indicate a decline. Hospitalizations are still rising. Deaths are declining as well. I hope this data reflects reality.


Also, look at https://covidtracking.com/data

The US Regionally - NY. Times:

About the data:
https://covidtracking.com/about-data/visualization-guide is the best resource to understand data visualization and data integrity.

The COVID tracking project blog from November 25 is a good roundup in understanding the trends we see this week. They include data discussing the racial and ethnic variation of COVID impact as well.

A group from MIT released a risk estimator that is pretty slick. It attempts to help users understand the time-dependent likelihood of COVID spread based on room size, activity, number of people, average mask fit, mask type, and mask compliance. The model assumes social distancing of 6 feet. I am not confident knowingly being in a room with a COVID+ person with only a mask on, but this gives you some sense of relative risk by the time of exposure.
article: https://www.fastcompany.com/90580290/one-person-in-the-room-with-you-has-covid-19-heres-how-long-it-takes-to-get-infected

It appears highly contagious viruses move fast then we realize. This data is interesting and points out that insidious spread is highly likely. Thus, having a national response that provides adequate mass testing, tracking and tracing, and the ability to support isolated positive patients is only that much more critical.

COVID-19 killed Darth Vader.

Yesterday, Moderna released more specific and very positive data on their mRNA vaccine. Hang in there. It is coming.

Here is a contrast in stories:
compared to

Infographic of the day: Walk like a Penguin on Ice.
Which made me smile and think of this

---Bonus Round - More Remembrance of Things Past, Proustless-edition

Forget the madeleines. Let's talk about diet soda and breakfast cereal.

I recently learned that Tab is finally being retired—another sign of my age.

TAB got me thinking of 1980's cereals, a magical time in my life when I equated the overwhelming choices of sugary corn-based breakfast foods with Democracy and all that was right about America. The cereal aisle was a tangible, edible, and milk-covered manifestation of freedom.

My childhood thought was confirmed when this 1989 story came on the news - Boris Yeltsin going to grocery stores in Texas and marveling over the abundance. Nothing said, "We won the Cold War" like the leader of the Supreme Soviet philosophically capitulating in Aisle 7, amongst the fudgsicles and Jell-O Pops.

Clean hands and sharp minds, team

