What Adam is Reading 12-14-20

Monday, December 14, 2020

Happy Electoral College Day.

I managed to avoid the news most of the weekend, interrupted only by phone alerts about trucks full of Pfizer vaccine and COVID statistics. The strange mental space between the still accelerating death/case rate data and the vaccine's approval and delivery is unsettling and uncomfortable. It will be hard not to declare victory. But it still feels like a "mission accomplished" moment. I think winning is eating at a restaurant while at an in-person medical conference to which I flew.

-----Latest Data---

Also, look at https://covidtracking.com/data

The US Regionally - NY. Times:

About the data:
https://covidtracking.com/about-data/visualization-guide is the best resource to understand data visualization and data integrity.

The COVID tracking project blog post from December 11 offered a fantastic overview of HHS hospital data released last week. The data is some of the most detailed hospital-level data released during the pandemic and offers numerous insights.

Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett is a Ph.D. immunologist working at NIH. She is working with Moderna applying her knowledge of viruses and mRNA to vaccine development. Over the weekend, she became famous.

Interestingly, Dr. Corbett earned her undergraduate degree at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and was a Meyerhoff Scholar. If you want to see what a successful program of minority career acceleration in STEM can look like, the Meyerhoff program is a great example, 30 years+ in the making.

Our understanding of the relative differences in mask types continues. JAMA Internal Medicine published a well-designed study on the relationship between different mask materials and characteristics and filtration efficiencies.
Twitter review by an ID doc:

The NY Times offered this FAQ on the "why" of the COVID vaccine. It highlights many points worthy of note - including why vaccine-induced immunity is superior to natural immunity.

Infographic of the day: Caffeine

-----Bonus Round - Ideas through time - Part X+1

Here is your coffee read of the day. A fascinating and mildly provocative essay on cultural shaping as strategized by JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis. Seriously. I did not realize the "Oxford English Literature" curriculum was "planned." I am a little skeptical that you can deliberately infuse enthusiasm for story genres without some innate demand. I find it amusing that Tolkien and Lewis were at the center of this literary cabal. As with all things cultural, I suspect a single influence or influencer's impact is not linear. Nevertheless, my English literature college 101/102 syllabus (and what my kids are reading in their school) is as described - Beowulf, etc. Enjoy some thoughts on the Tolkien/Lewis Empire of Fantasy conquering the young minds of today.


Clean hands and sharp minds,

