December 23, 2020 - Christmas Eve Eve
The Pensive Pelican and Fallacious Antelope are two of a long list of usernames my older son and I brainstormed after dinner last night. He is our keeper of lists: names for robots vacuums, fictional 80's big-hair bands, foods that have verb names (e.g., squash), and, in this case, potential usernames for online activities. For usernames, he favors two-word combos - an adjective and animal that sort of alliterate and are oddly related. Our casual banter was facilitated by his winter break - having the homework-free space and time to talk. It reminded me how much our home has turned into an office and a classroom.
-----Latest Data---
Also, look at
The U.S. Regionally - N.Y. Times:
About the data: is the best resource to understand data visualization and data integrity.
Dr. Fauci received the Pfizer vaccine yesterday.
The new strain of coronavirus is still a point of great interest. Here is an illuminating Twitter thread from a U.K. virologist.
BioNTech (Pfizer's vaccine co-developer) offered more definitive comments about the vaccine efficacy on the viral variants.
Read this with a big dollop of skeptical interest. Science magazine explores the hypotheses about the causes of the infrequent but scary anaphylactic reactions to the Pfizer vaccine.
AND lastly, PLEASE BE SAFE over the holiday. Here is a new study validating the swiss-cheese model of coronavirus transmission reduction - "Masks NOT enough to stop COVD-19's Spread without distancing."
This pairs nicely with the 11/24/20 "Face masks slow spread of COVID-19; types of masks, length of use matter."
Infographic of the day: Christmas Turkey Chemistry
If I ever make a fragrance for men, you can be sure I will call it Furan - the meaty, burnt scent of masculinity.
----Bonus Round --- Reminiscences
In a text exchange yesterday, I found myself thinking about the fill-in-the-bubble forms used on most of the standardized tests I took from 1982 to 1993. The company that makes them is called ScanTron. It turns out they perfected the "give you the printer and sell you the jacked-up ink" model of sales in the 1970s.
A common and unsettling theme amongst my 1970s to early 1980s family photos is red pants. It seems that every member of my family owned a pair. Thankfully, I do not have documentary evidence of multiple people simultaneously wearing red pants (it was a trend, not a conspiracy, apparently). But some of those pants were from Sears - Toughskins. These were colorful, non-fading, and cardboard-like denim that would not get holes in them (to the chagrin of a young Adam watching holey and distressed-denim clad musicians on MTV). If I had time, I would be paying for talk therapy related to the psychic scar these Scarlet-Letter-in-the-form-of-pants left.
Clean hands, sharp minds, and get some rest.
I will restart on Monday.
The Pensive Pelican and Fallacious Antelope are two of a long list of usernames my older son and I brainstormed after dinner last night. He is our keeper of lists: names for robots vacuums, fictional 80's big-hair bands, foods that have verb names (e.g., squash), and, in this case, potential usernames for online activities. For usernames, he favors two-word combos - an adjective and animal that sort of alliterate and are oddly related. Our casual banter was facilitated by his winter break - having the homework-free space and time to talk. It reminded me how much our home has turned into an office and a classroom.
-----Latest Data---
Also, look at
The U.S. Regionally - N.Y. Times:
About the data: is the best resource to understand data visualization and data integrity.
Dr. Fauci received the Pfizer vaccine yesterday.
The new strain of coronavirus is still a point of great interest. Here is an illuminating Twitter thread from a U.K. virologist.
BioNTech (Pfizer's vaccine co-developer) offered more definitive comments about the vaccine efficacy on the viral variants.
Read this with a big dollop of skeptical interest. Science magazine explores the hypotheses about the causes of the infrequent but scary anaphylactic reactions to the Pfizer vaccine.
AND lastly, PLEASE BE SAFE over the holiday. Here is a new study validating the swiss-cheese model of coronavirus transmission reduction - "Masks NOT enough to stop COVD-19's Spread without distancing."
This pairs nicely with the 11/24/20 "Face masks slow spread of COVID-19; types of masks, length of use matter."
Infographic of the day: Christmas Turkey Chemistry
If I ever make a fragrance for men, you can be sure I will call it Furan - the meaty, burnt scent of masculinity.
----Bonus Round --- Reminiscences
In a text exchange yesterday, I found myself thinking about the fill-in-the-bubble forms used on most of the standardized tests I took from 1982 to 1993. The company that makes them is called ScanTron. It turns out they perfected the "give you the printer and sell you the jacked-up ink" model of sales in the 1970s.
A common and unsettling theme amongst my 1970s to early 1980s family photos is red pants. It seems that every member of my family owned a pair. Thankfully, I do not have documentary evidence of multiple people simultaneously wearing red pants (it was a trend, not a conspiracy, apparently). But some of those pants were from Sears - Toughskins. These were colorful, non-fading, and cardboard-like denim that would not get holes in them (to the chagrin of a young Adam watching holey and distressed-denim clad musicians on MTV). If I had time, I would be paying for talk therapy related to the psychic scar these Scarlet-Letter-in-the-form-of-pants left.
Clean hands, sharp minds, and get some rest.
I will restart on Monday.
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