What Adam is Reading 12-31

Thursday, December 31, 2020

As I write this, it is about hour 18 post-COVID vaccine. I am fine. And I am counting - twenty-seven days to injection #2, 37 days till immunity. Some mild left shoulder ache, similar to any vaccine, and an over-sized administration card that didn't fit in my wallet (without folding) have been the negatives so far. But the latter is a "me" problem. The CDC has been touting the importance of wallet-sized cards, which means somebody's wallet must fit the card. So, I now know for 2021 that I need a bigger wallet, and we need to vaccinate the rest of the country.


-----Latest Data---

Also, look at https://covidtracking.com/data

The U.S. Regionally - N.Y. Times:

About the data:
https://covidtracking.com/about-data/visualization-guide is the best resource to understand data visualization and data integrity.

Vaccine Tracker!

The COVID tracking project blog confirms my thoughts on data reporting vs. genuine improvement. They are looking at hospitalizations as a surrogate marker of illness during holidays. "As COVID-19 case and death numbers in the United States continue to oscillate between relatively low and startlingly high numbers because of holiday reporting slowdowns, we suggest that readers remain focused on the relatively stable hospitalization metrics[...]"

John Burn-Murdoch, the FT.com stats and data viz guy, offers some analysis of his data plots on current conditions in the U.K. Not happy.

It is crucial to keep in mind that the vaccine is not a magic bullet. For instance, a vaccinated person may still be able to spread coronavirus—some unknowns will be more evident in time.

New York set a record of 12,000 vaccine administrations on 12/23/20
The data I quoted yesterday (~1.5 million doses delivered per day) assumed a 12-month timeline. Other articles are looking at timelines that achieve mass vaccination by summer 2021. Of course, that increases the daily rate of vaccinations required.

If you run into family or friends with lots of doubts or questions this weekend, point them to this comprehensive and well-moderated FAQ/Wiki about the coronavirus hosted on Reddit r/Coronavirus:

Infographic of the day: more on Vaccines
Viral vector vaccines (like the AZ vaccine)
differ from mRNA vaccines (like Moderna and Pfizer)

Bonus Round - Potpourri

I will spare you my insights on the Early Middle Ages course I have been listening to this week. For now. I am preparing to discuss "Getting your Barbarian On; Hairstyles in Merovingian Gaul and during the coronavirus pandemic, a comparison."

I have an affinity for smart people being clever. Simpson's easter eggs are not something I have explored before. Now I have to watch again.

And, let's close the year with a better understanding of nature. Let's hope that the aerodynamics wisdom gained from animals like flying tropical snakes (that undulate to manage their flight) outweighs the fact that there are flying tropical snakes. Enjoy the Smithsonian's cool new natural discoveries of 2020.

Happy New Year. Be safe during the holiday. Please respect your fellow humans and don't be a burden on our healthcare system. Stay home, stay masked, and stay sharp.


Thanks for all your support and comments. I'll be back on Monday.
