Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Yesterday, the last storage pods arrived in our driveway. There are trade-offs to moving over months. Our more paced move has improved our skills at moving big boxes and heavy furniture. But it has been months since I felt settled. I can only hope this beginning of an end coincides with the start of other endings.
-----Latest Data---
The 7-day rolling averages of deaths, hospitalizations, and new cases are increasing at an increasing rate. That is bad.
Also, look at https://covidtracking.com/data
The US Regionally - NY. Times:
About the data:
https://covidtracking.com/about-data/visualization-guide is the best resource to understand data visualization and data integrity.
This tweet summed up my thoughts on the above data
I ran into several articles mathematically modeling the impact of patients being cared for at home for COVID. The papers are too theoretical to share. However, articles describing actual models of at-home care instead of hospitalization for COVID patients are worthy of reading. This model involves more intense remote monitoring, more rapid deployment of home nursing agencies and other deviations from typical care patterns.
Here is an article from a few weeks ago describing this model in one integrated health system
Unintended consequences still surprise me. The rise in intentional and unintentional hand-sanitizer-based alcohol poisoning is rising, especially in patients with psychiatric illnesses.
article about the article
Non-study patients are now getting the Pfizer COVID vaccine in the UK.
A William Shakespeare was one of the patients.
Infographic of the day: 50 Shades of Sugar
Unfortunately, the infographic authors missed the opportunity to make further references to the EL James book. The duality of sugar's guilty pleasure seems a natural thread to pull, given this title. They must have better taste than me (mike drop).
---Bonus Round - Wandering thoughts
Yesterday I came upon this article on some recent prolific cave art in the Amazon region of Columbia. As usual, I am awed by the notion that we have recorded information from 12,000 years ago. And they were "interacting" with megafauna. Though I doubt mastodons, three-toe ungulates with trunks, and glyptodonts made good pets.
Which got me thinking of this article on the controversy of an AR app of Rome from 2019. More about how I want to play with the app than the dispute.
Somehow, I found this artist who updates modern stock photography with historical faces, yielding modern interpretations of famous historical figures. Something about these updated portraits is compelling and humanizing.
George Washington is particularly striking.
Clean hands and sharp minds,
Yesterday, the last storage pods arrived in our driveway. There are trade-offs to moving over months. Our more paced move has improved our skills at moving big boxes and heavy furniture. But it has been months since I felt settled. I can only hope this beginning of an end coincides with the start of other endings.
-----Latest Data---
The 7-day rolling averages of deaths, hospitalizations, and new cases are increasing at an increasing rate. That is bad.
Also, look at https://covidtracking.com/data
The US Regionally - NY. Times:
About the data:
https://covidtracking.com/about-data/visualization-guide is the best resource to understand data visualization and data integrity.
This tweet summed up my thoughts on the above data
I ran into several articles mathematically modeling the impact of patients being cared for at home for COVID. The papers are too theoretical to share. However, articles describing actual models of at-home care instead of hospitalization for COVID patients are worthy of reading. This model involves more intense remote monitoring, more rapid deployment of home nursing agencies and other deviations from typical care patterns.
Here is an article from a few weeks ago describing this model in one integrated health system
Unintended consequences still surprise me. The rise in intentional and unintentional hand-sanitizer-based alcohol poisoning is rising, especially in patients with psychiatric illnesses.
article about the article
Non-study patients are now getting the Pfizer COVID vaccine in the UK.
A William Shakespeare was one of the patients.
Infographic of the day: 50 Shades of Sugar
Unfortunately, the infographic authors missed the opportunity to make further references to the EL James book. The duality of sugar's guilty pleasure seems a natural thread to pull, given this title. They must have better taste than me (mike drop).
---Bonus Round - Wandering thoughts
Yesterday I came upon this article on some recent prolific cave art in the Amazon region of Columbia. As usual, I am awed by the notion that we have recorded information from 12,000 years ago. And they were "interacting" with megafauna. Though I doubt mastodons, three-toe ungulates with trunks, and glyptodonts made good pets.
Which got me thinking of this article on the controversy of an AR app of Rome from 2019. More about how I want to play with the app than the dispute.
Somehow, I found this artist who updates modern stock photography with historical faces, yielding modern interpretations of famous historical figures. Something about these updated portraits is compelling and humanizing.
George Washington is particularly striking.
Clean hands and sharp minds,
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