Reading, what Adam is? Hmmm. 1-28-21

January 28, 2021

2021, Thursday 28th, January 

Moderna injection two, New antibodies have I.

5G signals, hearing I'm not.
In Yoda-Haikus, I now speak. Odd.

I feel fine after dose #2.  My arm injection site is a  little sore, and I am, overall, a little achy/tired, but no other side effects as of hour fourteen post-injection—ten to 14 days for maximal antibody response.

(I know, I know it is not strict Haiku form. But, in my defense, 5-7-5 is not the end-all of English Haiku - see

-----Latest Data---

Also, look at

The U.S. Regionally - N.Y. Times:

About the data: is the best resource to understand data visualization and data integrity.

Vaccine Tracker

We need to add critical thinking as an endangered species or, perhaps, the equivalent of protected wetlands.   Our strategic reserves are depleted.  From Wired: "They Claimed the Covid Vaccine Made Them Sick—and Went Viral"

Here is the more typical news I would expect to find about mass vaccination:

Stat News published this opinion piece written by British epidemiologists about the new coronavirus variants.  The article is a succinct summary of wide-spread concerns in the scientific community.

And this is what I, in all sincerity, expect from my fellow Americans, "Chic Fil A manager Jerry Walkowiak donating his professional drive-thru experience to help our vaccination program in Mt Pleasant today. When you need help, call the pros." This story is humorous, fabulous, and in line with what adults do to help fix complex situations.

More Fauci interviews.  Lots of lessons hiding in this one.  Especially on the importance of critical thinking. "[S]cience is not going to flinch in the face of somebody who's spouting nonsense."  I am a huge fan.

While not directly related to COVID, here is a Twitter thread from Jimmy Bernot, a Ph.D. biologist who details his experience being a research subject for a hookworm vaccine (yes, the parasite).  This story has a gross-out factor of 7 (out of 10). Still, you will get hooked in with the thought, "did a guy with a biology Ph.D. do this willingly‽" Then you should be grateful for the thousands of volunteers who participated in the COVID vaccine studies, subjecting themselves to swabs, symptom recording, and the unknown.

Infographic of the day: Hierarchy of Scientific Evidence
Random Facebook posts are below expert opinions and anecdotes, by the way.

---- Bonus Round -- Things to Read and Watch

PBS released thousands of hours of interview archives in late December.  These freely available interviews are from the American Masters series.  They even have searchable transcripts.

Here is an excellent round-up of Amanda Gorman's poetry readings.  No Yoda-Haikus here.

Explore the Met.   I like these two starting points:

Clean hands and sharp minds,


More on Monday.  Back in clinic tomorrow.  Antibody production underway.
I have added a interrobang to my writing every day this week.  You can too‽
