What Adam is Reading 1-13-21

January 13, 2021, Wednesday

Today I am at the halfway point between two doses of the COVID vaccine. I have a reasonably good chance of immunity from the coronavirus. It is a strange mental and social place to occupy. Gratitude for access to the vaccine, knowing it is very effective, but not 100%, and living amongst many who are not yet protected. We cannot roll this vaccine out fast enough.

-----Latest Data---
On a per-capita basis, West Virginia is leading the vaccine administration race amongst the 50 states. North Dakota has administered the highest % of doses received to date.


Also, look at https://covidtracking.com/data

The U.S. Regionally - N.Y. Times:

About the data:
https://covidtracking.com/about-data/visualization-guide is the best resource to understand data visualization and data integrity.

Vaccine Tracker

Brief19.com published a review of the data on prolonged post-COVID symptoms. Yet another reason to avoid getting ill.

As I write this daily email briefing, I often reflect on how the pandemic educates all of us. Today, you can learn more about adaptive immunity - the longer-term protection your immune system should be generating when exposed to things like viruses or vaccines.
Contrast with the most recent NEJM article on the Moderna vaccine from 1/7/21 -
"Although correlates of protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans are not yet established, these results show that despite a slight expected decline in titers of binding and neutralizing antibodies, mRNA-1273 has the potential to provide durable humoral immunity."

Here is an interesting pre-release (not yet peer-reviewed) article on aerosol tracer testing simulating infectious particle release in Boeing 767 and 777 aircraft. These data are from a simulation, not real people, but the measured exposure potential is low (at least in these cabins). It seems that NOT sitting in a row with an infected person is critical. I want to sit with the vaccinated and recently recovered passengers, please.

In follow up to yesterday's Tweetorial on the naming of strains, here is what we know about the functioning of B.1.1.7 and E484K_K417T/N.

Infographic of the day: 2021 Prediction Bingo Card
What is not here is somewhat comforting, but a summer of love sounds good. I think.

----Bonus Round -- Florence Nightingale: Intellectual Hero?

My bias and knowledge gaps became apparent this morning while reading about Florence Nightingale. My mental metadata tags on her went like this: founded nursing, Crimean war, the second half of the 19th century. Then I came upon a Nightingale fan and his write up in the Financial Times. Not only do I know there is an "i" following the "t" (not an "e"), but she did so much more than nursing. She was an epidemiologist, infographic pioneer, and societal maverick. Another OG sharp mind, to be sure. Sadly, the article is written because of the Nightingale museum's closure, though it sounds like its acquisitions will be left intact.

Here is where you can no longer go:
(And, of course, I will never get to the gift shop to appreciate hokey merch.)

Clean hands and sharp minds,

