What Adam is Reading 1-14-21

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Over the last few months, I have manifested an unnatural intensity for shelving, fixing things, and lighting. While watching cable news and scanning social media last night, I realized how much these interests are a grasp at control, channeled through the convenience of a move and unpacking. The world offers many more unhealthy distractions, I suppose. But I may have hit a tipping point - more shelving than things to organize, and every bulb in my house is now a warm yellow LED.

-----Latest Data---
The 7-day rolling average of deaths seems to be stable or falling in the U.K. and U.S. The case rates continue to increase at an increasing rate.


Also, look at https://covidtracking.com/data

The U.S. Regionally - N.Y. Times:

About the data:
https://covidtracking.com/about-data/visualization-guide is the best resource to understand data visualization and data integrity.

Vaccine Tracker!

The recent spread of coronavirus to congressional members last week is a good reminder that a single Pfizer or Moderna vaccine dose does not offer guaranteed protection. All three lawmakers were within about a week of receiving their first doses.

The Atlantic published an article arguing for the need to upgrade our masks. It is a good point, doubly so in light of the newest strains making their way through our population.

Data on the Johnson and Johnson single-dose vaccine was in the news yesterday. Good efficacy, no deep freezer needed, but still in phase 3. I imagine it is still a few months away.
More details:

There is new data out of the U.K. on post-COVID protection duration and reinfection. This data indicates "past infection reduces the chances of catching the virus again by 83% for at least five months."

Infographic of the day: World Logic Day and the U.S. Constitution

Today is the 3rd Annual World Logic Day.
Here is an article laced with infographics on famous logicians:

It is probably a good time to read about Kurt Godel's life and what it meant to escape fascism for an open society in the 1930s.

-----Bonus Round - Contrasting Sea Creature Round-Up

Between Moby Dick and whaling ships' surgeons, I have a fascination and horror with 19th-century commercial fishing. I ran into this article this morning on the art of whaling logbooks
Oddly Arthur Conan Doyle (of Sherlock Holmes fame) was a ship's surgeon, at least once.
Here is the Smithsonian exhibition that piqued my interest in this topic:
and here is the Ship's Surgical Kit that opened my eyes to how Whaling surgery was just Shock Trauma at Sea (in the 1800s)

In contrast to the above, I offer the story of Lala, the rescued King Penguin. Rehabbed by a Japanese family after being caught in a fishing net, Lala bonded with the family, had a small refrigerated room he slept in, and learned to waddle around town with a small backpack so he could get fish.

Clean hands and sharp minds, team


Back on Monday.
