What Adam is Reading 1-5-21

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Stan Michalak, my mentor, friend, and favorite political science professor at Franklin and Marshall College died from COVID on Saturday. I took nine classes from him between 1993 and 1997 and sought his counsel throughout the years. Next to my father, he was one of the most significant forces shaping the adult I am. Through applying policy analysis, critical thinking, and keeping a sense of humor, Stan helped me learn to navigate a complex world professionally and personally. I am not alone; Stan has a cult-like following of former students to whom he and his wife, Bev, gave time, energy, and love. I am fortunate to have found such a mentor and am grateful for the wisdom and skills he imparted. In my world, Stan was the O.G. of sharp minds.


-----Latest Data---

Also, look at https://covidtracking.com/data

The U.S. Regionally - N.Y. Times:

About the data:
https://covidtracking.com/about-data/visualization-guide is the best resource to understand data visualization and data integrity.

Vaccine Tracker!
As of yesterday, the HHS officials are still maintaining the plan for distributing the vaccine as planned - a two-dose regimen. WaPo has an overview:

A loyal reader forwarded me this pre-release article looking at reinfection rates in a cohort of U.K. healthcare workers infected during wave 1. This article's data suggests that an initial coronavirus infection conferred at least six months of protection from reinfection. Health care workers are necessarily a generalizable group, but this is comforting data.

Here is an outstanding editorial from STAT news on the history of virology, vaccine development, and the importance of publicly-funded scientific research.

The physician at Brief19 had a good overview of recommendations for vaccinating immunocompromised patients over the weekend.

And while this next article is not about COVID, per se, it touches on so much about which I write. I offer you a legit investigation of psychics "Control group outperforms Mediums in Psychic Test."
General read: https://bigthink.com/surprising-science/psychic-energy?rebelltitem=2#rebelltitem2

Infographic of the day: Lost punctuation marks
A loyal reader reminded me that I had not shared any discussion about the interrobang and other less well-known punctuation. Amongst various future lost causes, I would be willing to support a pro-interrobang revitalization movement‽

-----Bonus Round: Not about early middle ages history

Apparently, not everyone shares my enthusiasm for heresies, barbarians, and the Fall of Rome. That is unfortunate (and may speak to more considerable faults), but I'll move on.

I neglected to celebrate Public Domain Day on January 1. The upside is, it is not too late. The intellectual works of 1925, including The Great Gatsby, will be freely distributed on the interwebs.

And one other notable anniversary - The Empire Strikes Back is now 40 years old. It is nice to have a coffee read-length retrospective look at ESB.

Clean hands and sharp minds, team

