What Adam is Reading 2-1-21

Monday, February 1, 2021

We had a Sunday night YouTube sofa concert of recent 60s and 70s-era musicians' live performances. It was a meandering medley of CSNY, Paul, Ringo, Steely Dan, and The Band - whatever piqued our mutual interest. The impact of aging, cameos by other musicians, and what it must be like to be in the backup bands dominated our commentary. One percussionist in the 2014 Staples Center Tribute to the Beatles stood out. We assumed he was a random drummer in the house band with a huge smile and exaggerated maraca moves. But, he turned out to be famous in his own right. He was just happy to be on stage with Paul and Ringo. And, we had another small lesson about our assumptions.


-----Latest Data---

Also, look at https://covidtracking.com/data

The U.S. Regionally - N.Y. Times:

About the data:
https://covidtracking.com/about-data/visualization-guide is the best resource to understand data visualization and data integrity.

Vaccine Tracker

Friday's COVID tracking blog was an update on race and ethnicity data. "Declining but persistent inequity" is, unsurprisingly, the theme.

Brown University Hospital E.R. do Megan Ranney offered a snapshot of the mundane awfulness of caring for COVID patients has evolved into in month 11 of the pandemic. She also touches on the dangers of categorical thinking and the need to keep sharp. Assumptions kill. https://twitter.com/meganranney/status/1356000760329351170?s=10

Despite my Thursday morning email (hour 14), my second Moderna injection was a bit rougher between hours 24 and 36. I should have used acetaminophen routinely, but I tried to muscle through. I was fine by hour 48 - but my story is a one-off anecdote. The NY Times offers a very comprehensive guide/FAQ to COVID vaccines.

Oncologist Vincent Rajkumar from Mayo shared a quick overview of the various vaccine technologies. His comments (and the associated article) good refresher, given the new names showing up in the news.

Here is a pre-release article on the protective effects of having been infected with coronavirus in a group of 3000+ marine recruits. It is a prospective cohort study but not yet peer-reviewed. As the authors point out, it speaks to why we still need vaccines and, possibly, how to prioritize previously infected but low-risk populations.

Infographic of the day: Word Clouds of Presidential Inauguration Speeches

A word cloud of every inaugural address in the history of the United States (1789-2021)

Word clouds of presidential inauguration speeches aggregated into seven political eras of U.S. history.

Word clouds of presidential inauguration speeches since 1960, grouped by the political party.

-----Bonus Round: Letters home from the front of the living room

I can think of nothing less exciting than a book about the art of hand shadows. Thus, I imagine it would be most useful in this sort of context:

Dearest Ruperta,

I am so lonesome for you. Though we continue to fight the pandemic by staying home, you are over three cushions away on our L-shaped couch. Prepare for the signal to move seats. I will use shadow signals from the other side of the room. Look for A SERIES OF NOVEL AND AMUSING FIGURES FORMED BY THE HAND - deer, dog, boy. In that order.

My sincerest apologies for diminishing the art of the professional shadowgraphy community.

Clean hands and sharp minds,

