What Adam is Reading 3-11-21

Thursday, March 11, 2021

It certainly feels more like the beginning of the end in the last few days. I hope the coronavirus agrees and cooperates accordingly.

-----Latest Data---



The U.S. Regionally - N.Y. Times:

Vaccine Tracker

Brief19.com offers commentary and links to two items of note:

1) Discussion around frustration in the pediatric community regarding the slow pace of vaccine approval for children.

2) The FDA commented on Ivermectin. To be clear, Ivermectin is not approved for treating COVID19.

Here is a peer-reviewed article on Ivermectin from JAMA that found no difference in symptom resolution for mild COVID-19 symptoms.https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2777389

I am still waiting for my call from the Smithsonian to acquire the 150+ emails I have written since March 2020. I won't hold my breath.

Eric Topol highlighted some new data on antibody response to the 1st dose of vaccine in patients who had already had COVID at the time of vaccination. "The antibody titers of vaccinees with preexisting immunity were 10 to 45 times as high as those of vaccinees without preexisting immunity at the same time points after the first vaccine dose (e.g., 25 times as high at 13 to 16 days) and also exceeded the median antibody titers measured in participants without preexisting immunity after the second vaccine dose by more than a factor of 6."

Infographic of the Day - Canada Geese
A loyal reader informed me that I erred in my anecdote about the waterfowl in the creek. The honking geese were CANADA, not Canadian geese. Unless, of course, they were citizens of Canada. Then they would be Canadian Canada Geese. Learn the names and sizes of waterfowl.

---Bonus Round - Principles over situations

In 1985 a few loyal readers and I were in the 5th grade at Fort Garrison Elementary when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded just after launch. Like many, I remember it well. The post-explosion analysis is a painful story of organizational ineptitude. On March 9, engineer Allan McDonald, who tried to warn NASA leadership about the risks before launch, died. We should all be so brave in the face of organizational inertia. And we should all be so lucky to have congressional support when facing retribution for speaking out.

Here are some ideas he shared in later life "It [is] always, always do the right thing for the right reason at the right time with the right people. [And] you will have no regrets for the rest of your life."

some Twitter discussion

Clean hands and sharp minds,


Back on Monday. Stay safe.
