What Adam is Reading 3-24-21

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Unnamed members of my household asked me to have a feedback session with our robot vacuum cleaner, Dustin', yesterday. They claimed that since I have expanded Dustin's daily cleaning responsibilities, his work's quality has diminished. I offered to empty his bin and examine his brushes. They suggested counseling. We need to get out more.

-----Latest Data---
CDC National Hospitalization trend data



The U.S. Regionally - N.Y. Times:

Vaccine Tracker

Eric Topol offered a roundup of vaccine efficacy articles yesterday.
All of the data demonstrate significant reductions in hospital employees' new infections, with decreases in concert with both the number of doses and time from each vaccine dose.

Dr. Fauci was on Good Morning America yesterday discussing the NIH's concerns with the AZ data from Monday. Not sure of another way to handle the issue, but the churn and lack of focus on effectiveness are distracting.

Here is a Technology Review article discussing the soon-to-be "too much vaccine and not enough arms" problem. I firmly believe we all need to find our hesitant friends and family and convince them to get vaccinated. "The researchers at Carnegie Mellon found that people's regular health-care providers are consistently effective at convincing them to be vaccinated. The least effective messengers? After a year filled with misinformation, it's perhaps not surprising that politicians sway "nearly nobody" into getting a shot."

Here is something to keep an eye on - the use of oral and IV protease inhibitors for coronavirus. I am surprised it took this long to get these into a trial. To be sure, other drugs used for HIV were not effective.

Infographic of the Day: Intense graphic for dense living
This visual is a strikingly detailed infographic that depicts a highly-dense area of Honk Kong. Kowloon City was demolished in 1993, but imagine if it was around through the pandemic.

---Bonus Round - Photo Round-Up

I cannot wait to travel again, partly so I can do more with my cameras. There are only so many backyard bird photos one can take, and it sucks to take high-resolution images of zoom gatherings.

2020 World Nature Photography Awards

My go-to technique for dramatic photos

My go-to backup technique for variable lighting situations - leading lines

Clean hands and sharp minds, team

