What Adam is Reading 4-29-21

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Based on informal polling of friends who grew up in South Asia, I am now confident there is no dignified way to eat a whole mango. This wisdom is comforting. Though unnamed household members suggest that my eating a mango looks like it attacked me (or vice versa), I now know this is OK and expected. A good lesson that some things in life are what they are.

CDC National Hospitalization trend data



The U.S. Regionally - N.Y. Times:

Vaccine Tracker

National Geographic offers this very readable summary of how the vaccine limits transmission in addition to protecting those vaccinated.

Here is a scary-sounding and provocative headline: "exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alone was enough to change baseline gene expression in airway cells." To be sure, it is a press release for an upcoming symposium and journal article—also a great example of science sensationalism.
I'm sure the actual presentation will add more context: For instance, biologists have observed changes in cellular gene expression in many other animals and cells exposed to various viral, bacterial, and other external exposures.
For instance: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-36342-y

I missed the full CDC infographic on safe activities based on vaccination status. Oy vey. I can see why there have been comments reflecting the complexity of the recent CDC mask recommendations.

Irrespective of other articles and policies, the positive vaccine data keeps piling up: "Fully Vaccinated Adults 65 and Older Are 94% Less Likely to Be Hospitalized with COVID-19."

Here is an interesting Atlantic article on virologists working on a single, universal coronavirus vaccine. Science fact from science fiction.
I am waiting for broader use of the mRNA vaccine tech for HIV and other viruses.

Infographic of the day: I think the internet is out of infographics‽
I have resisted using XKCD cartoons as infographics for a year or more. Two things changed. 1) Dirth of new and clever graphics this week. 2) This seems to capture the tone of today's headlines above. Sorry.

----Bonus Round - Talk with the Animals

I finished The Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy this past weekend. Well worth the read.

I found this New Yorker Article this morning - a deep-dives on some topics The Zoologist's guide covers - What is language? If animals other than humans genuinely have a language, how much cross-talk between species is even possible? Can we build tools to understand and communicate with other species? Spoiler alert: maybe.

There is a market for this already:

What physician would not consider employing a dog if it could help with the clinical documentation? I want Dragon Naturally Speaking for pups. "This note's assessment and plan was partially dictated by Incisor, my pit bull. It may contain inaccuracies and should be considered carefully in the context of other clinical data."

Clean hands and sharp minds,


Back on Monday. I'll be at the office tomorrow.
