What Adam is Reading 5-10-21

Monday, May 10, 2021

Mother's day presented the "good stress" of people coming to our house for an [outdoor, fully vaccinated, small number of people] celebration. Even the post-party clean-up and fatigue were a welcome distraction from the "what did I do this weekend?" internal dialogue that has plagued the pandemic. I am, however, in retrospective awe. I recall much larger gatherings for kids' birthdays and holidays. How will we do that again?

CDC National Hospitalization trend data



The U.S. Regionally - N.Y. Times:

Vaccine Tracker

The CDC weekly review from Friday covered several topics - the declining vaccination rates, the distribution of variants, and hospitalization trends.

In 2012, Anna Kata, MPH (from McMaster University), published a list of anti-vaccination rhetoric on the web. Her list is a great way to play "identify the logical fallacy."
Her article (behind a paywall):
A tweet with the list of employed anti-vax arguments
Revisit one of the better logical fallacy websites

The Lancet published a fantastic "review [of] the intricacies of COVID-19 pathophysiology, its various phenotypes, and the anti-SARS-CoV-2 host response at the humoral and cellular levels." It demonstrates how much we have learned in a year and how much more we still don't know.
Some tables and illustrations from the article:

Over the weekend, one of my transplant patients sent me this article on immunosuppressed patients' muted antibody response to the vaccine. While it is essential to remember immunity is more than just antibody response, we also don't fully understand how safe (or unsafe) a vaccinated patient with limited antibody response is. I think this article supports one of the more compelling arguments for all healthy individuals to get vaccinated - protect your loved ones who cannot mount a response.

Infographic of the day: Dumplings of the World
My favorite part of this is the fact that Elena Hartely (science illustrator) has forever been linked to this graphic and labeled as a "dumpling admirer." I do not know the degrees of dumpling affinity (casual consumer, admirer, fan, producer, addict‽), but I suspect Elena has a lot more to her than just a passion for dumplings.

---Bonus Round - the 1980's

Thanks to a loyal reader, my wife and I have been watching Pose on Netflix over the last few weeks. The story focuses on the New York LGBTQ community in the late 1980s. The acting is fantastic. The show deftly handles a mélange of cultural, political, and social themes. It is enlightening to get a much different perspective on events that I remember, but only through my childhood and early-teenage lens. Also, from the perspective of our current pandemic, it is well worth revisiting the early years of HIV.

I did not know about the Ball Culture until this show.
and how Madonna was a double-edged sword to the community

I remember snippets about the horror, isolation, and activism of the HIV crisis:

Transgender models have been around but not welcome until the last few years. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-49578690

And, I learned about some of the lesser-known famous people of the 1970s and 1980s cultural scene.

I knew Fritz Lohman at the end of his life. While I spent some time talking with him about his career, it appears I missed a huge opportunity to understand more. It is a good reminder of how rich and diverse people we meet through happenstance can be.

Clean hands and sharp minds, team

