What Adam is Reading - 5-19-21

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

My family decided to attend our first, small outdoor gathering of friends this coming weekend. Given that our kids are coming, our discussion leading to this decision felt like a movie scene planning a bank robbery. We reviewed the number of guests, the masking expectations, speculation on the vaccination status of the attendees, and the likelihood of staying outside. It is less taxing to spend weekends with my bees, cicadas, birds, and skinks, I think. And I'm not sure if I remember how to socialize correctly.

CDC National Hospitalization trend data



The U.S. Regionally - N.Y. Times:

Vaccine Tracker

We hit less than 10 cases per 100K of the population in the U.S. yesterday. Several states are reporting zero deaths on some days.
And, we are on track for 85% of the U.S.population to be vaccinated by October 1, 2021.

(As an aside, take a look at the hexagonal heat map in the NPR article. The scale they used for the colors is <32%, 32-37%, 37-42%, and > 42% - a great example of a mild deception by overemphasizing minor differences across a narrow range of data. Are states with < 32% of the vaccinated population really just "one step of color lower" than the 32-37% cohort‽ You can be a visualization snob too! https://blog.bioturing.com/2018/09/24/heatmap-color-scale/)

One of my transplant patients contacted me last night when she realized she might not adequately respond to the vaccine due to her immunosuppressed status. As such, she depends on her vaccine-denying and vaccine-hesitant household members to offer her the best protection. An upsetting conversation ensued. Oddly, I found this Washington Post editorial written by a kidney transplant patient this morning. The patient describes her dilemma with prescient clarity. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/05/17/vaccines-probably-dont-work-me-so-i-must-rely-others-beat-covid-19/

STAT news offered a friendly look at Dr. Ashsih Jha, one of the more frequent physicians seen on various news channels and programs throughout the pandemic.

Canada is going to outpace the U.S. in 1st dose vaccine rates shortly. I cannot believe the people of the U.S. will tolerate that sort of competitive loss to Canada (of all places). Where are our marketing geniuses who can use this healthy competition to inspire increased vaccination rates?
(Combine with data like this https://health.clevelandclinic.org/yes-covid-19-can-cause-erectile-dysfunction/ for a fantastic marketing campaign leveraging Canadian competition and sexual health.)

Infographic of the day: full afternoon tea
So many things my parents did not teach me. But how do you eat dinner if you've eaten all that at 4 pm?

-------Bonus Round - Variations in meaning through syllabic and word stress variation

Over dinner last night, my older son shared that he could change words and sentence meaning based on the syllable or word stressed when pronounced. IT was an interesting dinner. It WAS an interesting dinner. It was an INTERESTING dinner. Or, at least, there was a lot of repetition at the meal. (I feel confined by the limits of the written word! But I bet I made you speak aloud.)

Words that change with syllabic emphasis variation

Sentences are even more complex:
And a Wired article on this subject

Clean hands AND sharp minds,
CLEAN hands and sharp minds,
Clean hands and SHARP minds,
(NVM, there is no real difference without subjects and verbs),

