What Adam is Reading: Week of 6-14-21

Monday, June 14, 2021

On the spectrum of 2019 pre-pandemic life to May 2020, "one-square of toilet paper at a time lockdown," June 2021 is turning out to be a curious in-between space. I wear a mask in stores and medical offices - but attend outdoor gatherings comfortably naked-faced(‽). Many people are vaccinated, but there are enough hold-outs to perpetuate viral spread. And, I feel subconscious anxiety about how long version 1 of the vaccines will be effective enough.

I am getting on a plane for the first time in 16 months this week. I hope the person next to me is vaccinated, wears a mask, and doesn't talk to me. There are other airborne illnesses besides coronavirus, after all. And I still don't relish disposable conversations with strangers on planes. I have email, and Netflix fictionalized historical dramas to catch up on. Ahh, the art of politely informing a row-mate that I prefer to watch made-up Vikings rather than listen to their real-life story.

Data of note
U.S. Hotspot Map via N.Y. Times

Delta Variant tracking dashboard

Themes of the week
Vaccines work. There are no data-backed reasons not to get vaccinated.
There are lots of unfounded ideas about the negative consequences of vaccines.
Many parts of the world are still experiencing significant new case rates and death rates.

The CDC weekly round-up from Friday, May 12, is still an excellent summary of recent trends.

As of last week, local and state health departments reported 3,459 "breakthrough" infections with COVID. This equals 0.0025% of 139,000,000 fully vaccinated adults. None of the breakthrough infections are concerning findings (meaning these patients are immunosuppressed or have other identifiable causes of decreased vaccine response).

A loyal reader shared with me the door to the rabbit hole of anti-vaccine conspiracy theories. READER BEWARE! - the following article is filled with data-free assertions from the land of make-believe. And, of note, the same Dr. Tenpenny testified in the Ohio State Legislature that the COVID vaccine makes people magnetic. Seriously.

Now, contrast the above with actual data-driven discussions about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines:
-A brief review of debunking fertility concerns:
individuals protect children in their community:

Dr. Gandhi discusses the problems of testing asymptomatic vaccinated individuals, responding to the news of the COVID-positive cruise ship passengers.

Many parts of the world are experiencing a spike in cases and deaths due to the Delta variant.

An illustrated history of French Fries and Ketchup

Eponymous foods and the people who (eponymized?) them.

----Bonus Round: Animal Ephemera

I lied about the disposable conversation on airplanes in the opening. If a sperm whale sat next to me on the plane, I would make conversation with it. I have many questions and would be grateful to converse with a whale.

After hanging out with the insects in my backyard, I have a newfound appreciation for dragonflies - 95% kill rates under idealized hunting conditions. Take that cheetah.
Of course, if dog-sized prehistoric dragonflies were still a thing, my appreciation would be different.

Clean hands, sharp minds, and headphones on (for the plane ride),

