What Adam is Reading - Week of 2-26-24

Week of February 26, 2024


Last week, my 17-year-old son offered to help reach my bag from the overhead bin at the end of a flight home. In a moment of hubristic pride (I am not that frail (yet)!) I declined his offer and grabbed my bag. As I pulled, a section of the luggage bin broke and accompanied my suitcase to the floor. My son's non-verbal stare screamed: "I told you so; you are an embarrassment, and I have serious questions about your mental competence." On the upside, I now know what to expect when I am 80, and I forget to take my pills.



Hospitalization rates are declining, and the PMC forecast for the next 14 days indicates dropping wastewater RNA concentrations.


The Pandemic Mitigation Collaborative (PMC) website uses wastewater levels to forecast 4-week predictions of COVID rates.


based upon https://biobot.io/data/


The N.Y. Times COVID Tracker reflects only CDC-gathered hospital data. Hospitalization data are a (lagging) indicator.



COVID articles


Dr. Jeremy Faust dedicated a blog post reviewing some meta-analyses on the relationship between ventilation and viral spread. His comments at the end of the article capture the summation of the best data we have - "I believe we can decrease 90%-99% of flu, RSV, and Covid-19 transmission with a combination of upgraded air exchange/ventilation systems, semi-quantitative rapid tests that indicate if/when you are super-shedding, and making sure people have access to high-quality masks for when they are outside of their super-shedding window. Ideally, we'd live in a world in which people are isolated for their whole illness."



Drs. Ziyad Al-Aly and Eric Topol shared a concise yet comprehensive review of what is known and not known about "long COVID." It is a quick, consumer-friendly read highlighting the prevalence, symptoms, and current data.




Medical Trends and Technology



New data from a consortium of researchers demonstrate that "women, compared with men, derived more significant gains in all-cause and cardiovascular mortality risk reduction from equivalent doses [of exercise]." The infographics are excellent and describe the most benefit for women who engage in moderate to vigorous cardiovascular exercise for 90-100 min per week and engage in 2 to 3 weekly episodes of resistance training.



Neuralink (Elon Musk's computer-human interface implant company) has reported the first quadriplegic volunteer recipient is doing well and controlling a mouse through thought. I will be curious to see objective data and an interview with the first patient. For the moment, the company is not sharing a lot of information.





Trauma surgeon Dr. Ron Barbarosa offers a fantastic medical analysis of whether the many (117!) killed characters from the Iliad would have survived if there was a modern level-1 trauma center available near the battlefields of Troy. (I am a sucker for this kind of intellectual game.)






Here is an animated infographic comparing the number of people killed each year by animals. Snails and mosquitos are more dangerous than you might realize.


as to why:



If you want a more upbeat infographic, try a well-referenced blog post about How Music impacts work from Toggl, a time-tracking software company.






Things I learned this week


We watched a live-streamed, audience-interactive reading of Ibsen's An Enemy of the People on Saturday night. I had not read or seen this play before and was surprised it did not get more press at the height of the pandemic - it explores the dynamics in a rural Norwegian town that vilifies a local physician for publicizing a public health emergency at the expense of the town's economic well-being. This play surfaces many issues about science vs. belief, being sure of oneself in the face of social isolation, and a shockingly modern look at populism (as a political construct). Some well-known actors reading parts and NIH scientists (Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins, for example) are participating in the project. There are a few more streamable readings scheduled for April.

About Ibsen's play:

Recognizing that this is a lecture from the Ayn Rand Institute (which offers a very libertarian view of the world), here is a good analysis of Ibsen's play:


The production we watched:




Shameless plug - if you want to see this play in full production, it is currently on Broadway (starring Matt Jeffers, a member of my family!):




At the suggestion of a loyal reader, I am enjoying Kelly and Zach Weinersmith's A City on Mars. (https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/125084292) The book explores the practical limits to colonizing space (think radiation, vacuum, no gravity, and distance) and an in-depth review of international laws that could (or won't) regulate colonization and resource claims. In a section exploring the legality of space cannibalism (or when is it OK to eat your crewmates in the setting of disaster), they quoted a 1978 paper from lawyer and nanotechnologist Robert Frietas, "Survival Homicide in Space," one of the more unique journal articles I have ever read. 

Here is the abstract:

A legal and ethical conundrum immediately presents itself: Is it permissible to sacrifice the life of one to save the lives of two? The sacrifice, when performed by the two in a situation where only two can survive, is called "survival homicide." [...] This paper [explores] the manner of [victim selection] and the legality of the sacrifice in the context of a space disaster.




Living with A.I.


A.I. is helping stabilize nuclear fusion reactions in tokamaks reactors. Though this is a press release from the U.S. Department of Energy's Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, it is a well-written description of the current state of nuclear fusion and how A.I.-automated regulation of the plasma reactions may solve some fundamental operational problems. https://www.pppl.gov/news/2024/engineers-use-ai-wrangle-fusion-power-grid


Here is an A.I. industry observation in close this week. Google is demonstrating how fluid the world of A.I. is at the moment. In the last seven days, I have seen discussions claiming Google is falling behind (Gemini, their ChatGPT-like LLM, was demonstrating bias and needs reprogramming) and pushing the industry forward in new ways (they released Genie, a generative A.I. interactive world generator). We will not know who will win the A.I. game for a while. Please read the Twitter links above with appropriate critical thought and hyperbole filters.




A.I. art of the week - a mashup of themes from this week's articles


A Greek hoplite attached to a handheld computer via wires emanating from his helmet uses telekinesis to remove his luggage from the overhead bin in a crowded airplane. Make it in the style of a DaVinci sketch. Make it look like a few pieces of luggage are floating above the plane aisle.





Clean hands and sharp minds, team


